How To Enhance a PowerPoint Presentation
Proven tips on how to enhance PowerPoint presentation
Microsoft PowerPoint presentations (PPT) are considered nowadays one of the most amazing & helpful tools to support speech and display your ideas in an impressive and unforgettable way. They have a crucial role in the modern work environment. Among the many existing presentation programs, many people tend to choose Microsoft PowerPoint due to its easy use, the various available capabilities within it, and the users’ confidence in the strong and unique development team. Let’s know a few of the most effective tips to enhance PowerPoint presentation.
Top 10 Tips to enhance PowerPoint presentation
Making remarkable PPT is not difficult and could be done by variable means, here are the top 10 tips that surely will help enhance PowerPoint presentation:
- Adjust the PPT technology, content and illustrations to fit the audience taste
2. Use the suitable font color and size to make the text simple and clear.
3. Don’t fill the slides with text, make it short and brief.
4. Include visuals like infographics, charts, and images.
5. Make sure to use the right body language and eye contact with the audience.
6. Use creative methods to make the presentation more engaging.
7. You may get help from AI to create design and improve content
8. Educate yourself about PowerPoint tools and facilities and make sure to use it right.
9. Show the audience your personality and sense of humor so they become personally engaged.
10. Don’t forget to practice your performance well before the actual presentation.
Optimize your PPT for your audience

It’s important for a presenter to know his audience and fully understand their preference and their comfort level of technology. This is the first step to enhance PowerPoint presentation. Some audiences would be attracted to pictures, some prefer text- illustrating slides more.
Designing slides to suit the audience’s tastes, expectations and interests means the success of the presenter in communicating his message more efficiently and increasing the engagement of the audience with the discussion.
Make a simple & clean text

Don’t ever forget that the text is just complementary to your performance and highlights important points. Loading slides with long informative text will lead to losing audience focus on your speech or their loss of interest in your PowerPoint presentation. So to improve text quality you need to:
–Make it brief and short
To use it as a speech visual aid, Don’t put the full text up there. Try to leave white space in slides and margins and use symbols instead of words to reach the meaning. That’s how you attract your audience’s attention to listen to you.
–Use the right text font and color
PowerPoint is characterized by its varied unique fonts (Helvetica, Roboto,…). Text font and color have a great impact on conveying your message & how your audience understands it.
Avoid using different, fancy fonts on the same slide. Using the wrong font makes your text unreadable for the audience.
Also, make sure to write with a font size that’s not too small or too big. Use a bigger font size for the heading and a middle font size for the text.
Choose a text color that contrasts with the slide background and matches your brand and industry. So avoid using bright colors on a white background or the opposite, otherwise, your text will be nearly invisible to the audience.
–Variety of content
Using visual informative charts, infographics, images, and short videos helps a lot in conveying the information in a short time and in a way that keeps the audience’s attention on the presentation for a long time. Sometimes using expressive visuals is more effective than plain text to enhance PowerPoint presentation.
Remember not to use long boring or non-related clips!
How to be a good PowerPoint presenter?

Avoid looking at the presentation all the time so you don’t lose eye contact with the audience. Your role as a presenter isn’t to read the slides but to express a particular message by using both a prepared PPT presentation and your speech skills.
Furthermore, try to interact with the audience by inserting prompts and questions within the presentation slides to involve the audience in the speech and keep them interactive and awake.
Remember to practice well before performing in front of a real audience to gain confidence & search the possible questions that may be asked during the presentation.
Also, use your body language to engage the audience in the discussion and reach the audience’s feelings. Some presenters recommend that you start by pointing at the slides then turn around to the audience and talk. That’s how you connect the presentation to your speech.
Read More: How to Deliver a Presentation Like Steve Jobs.
How Can AI enhance PowerPoint presentation?

AI is now involved in every creative work. Using artificial intelligence as an aid tool besides human efforts can make amazing results. AI could be used to:
1. Create a design or theme that’s based on the analysis of slides’ content.
2. Create & improve the content quality. But don’t forget that human effort is the main factor in writing slides.
3. Visualize information in the text into photos and make the slides alive!
4. Transcribe spoken words which makes it easy to make the presentation faster.
5. Direct content creator of the PowerPoint to different aspects of the discussed subject.
How to enhance PowerPoint presentation skills

Microsoft PowerPoint is a great program with a huge variety of facilities and tools. Exploring the program and learning about it whether by watching videos or training with PPT experts would be a good idea that will indeed positively affect your career and support you in reaching your goal from the presentation and gaining more speech opportunities through many platforms.
How can I make my presentation more engaging?

Audience engagement is quite challenging especially when time is limited and passes quickly. Creating interactive presentations with captivating slides is the solution to make your audience more collaborative, engaging and interactive with you during presentation time and so accordingly enhance PowerPoint presentation.
Unlike ordinary presentation, engaging presentation involves the participation and interaction of the audience with the presenter. The information is not delivered in a one-way method but the audience here contributes to the presentation. The presentation here includes interactive games, questions, tricks, and live feedback from the audience. Here are some ways to make presentation more engaging and enhance PowerPoint presentation;
- ice -breaking questions
Start your presentation with thought-provoking and captivating questions that trigger your audience’s imagination and curiosity. Asking them about their advice or experience-based opinion.
Telling a joke may break ice too and show your personality and sense of humor and make your remarkable to the audience.
- Make live polling
By using audience polling apps, make the audience give their opinion on specific points. This gives you live realistic feedback from your audience which enriches your presentation.
- social media accounts
Include social media accounts and links for extra material in the presentation to encourage your audience to explore more about the topic of interest and make them more engaged and give them a personalized experience.
- Make emotional connection
Storytelling is an amazing way to make the audience more emotionally connected to the presenter. Adding images and creative slides to engage your audience with the story.
- Adding interactive infographic and charts
Creating graphs with interactive buttons and visuals so the audience clicks and interacts to show more data or interest. This will definitely make the audience more engaging with the slides.
- Brainstorm ideas
It would be great if a whiteboard could be involved during the presentation so you can brainstorm to the audience, provoke their thoughts, and make them more engaged with the topic. This would be a very effective addition to enhance PowerPoint presentation.
- Body language and eye contact
As mentioned before, the presenter’s body language and eye contact with the audience during the presentation will indeed catch the audience’s attention, enhance PowerPoint presentation, and make this presentation unforgettable.
Some people may think that skills to enhance PowerPoint presentation require expert help but actually, you only need to remember to make a clean, simple, and concise text. Use the variable PPT visual tools. And always remember text is just an aid to your fascinating speech and communication skills.
Publication Date
February 4, 2025
Reading Time
7 Min
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